MacWorld 1999 November
Macworld (1999-11).dmg
WhiteCap 3.0.4
WhiteCap Source.sit
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95 lines
#ifndef _ARGLIST_
#define _ARGLIST_
#pragma once
#include <null.h>
#include "UtilStr.h"
class MetaExpr;
class Arg;
class CEgOStream;
class CEgIStream;
class ArgList {
friend class ArgList;
virtual ~ArgList();
// Post: Adds any args in the given string meta line to this arg list. Note that if arg 'blah' is in this list
// and someone calls this.SetArgs( "hi=123,bye=345" ), then 'blah' is still in this list and has the original
// value it had before the call to SetArgs().
// Note: An example of a meta arg list: hi=123,name="sally",andy="really cool"
// Note: This call is functionally the same as: ArgList temp; temp.SetArgs( str ); this.SetArgs( temp );
// Note: In the above example, if you wanted to get rid of blah (and all other args before the Set, call Clear())
// Note: For SetArgs( char*, long ), len == -1 means that the length will be computed.
void SetArgs( const UtilStr& inArgList ) { SetArgs( inArgList.getCStr(), inArgList.length() ); }
void SetArgs( const char* inArgList, long inLen = -1 );
// A more flexible version of SetArgs() than above. This ignores line breaks, "//" comments, and "/*"-"*/" block comments.
void SetArgs( CEgIStream* inStream );
// Post: Similar to above except that the arg list is already in the form of an arg list.
void SetArgs( const ArgList& inArgs );
// Appends/Exports the args in this list to a meta string format. This means all chars in the string
// will be above or equal to 0x20 and less than 0x80.
// Post: If inLineBreaks is true, a CR/LF is put after each arg
void ExportTo( UtilStr& ioStr, bool inLineBreaks = false ) const;
void ExportTo( CEgOStream* ioStream, bool inLineBreaks = false ) const;
// Writes this arg list to a stream, with no regard to byte range (in contrast to ExportTo, where all the
// output bytes are >= 0x20 and < 0x80
void WriteTo( CEgOStream* ioStream );
void ReadFrom( CEgIStream* ioStream );
// Removes all args from this argList
void Clear();
void DeleteArg( long inArgID );
// Pre: No byte in <inArgID> can be a -, =, or "
void SetArg( long inArgID, long inArg );
void SetArg( long inArgID, const UtilStr& inArg );
void SetArg( long inArgID, const char* inArgStr );
// Post: The specified argument <inArgID> is fetched and transferred to <outArg>.
// Note: If the arg is found, true is returned, else false is returned and <outArg> is zeroed.
inline bool ArgExists( long inArgID ) const { return FetchArg( inArgID ) != NULL; }
bool GetArg( long inArgID, bool& outArg ) const;
bool GetArg( long inArgID, char& outArg ) const;
bool GetArg( long inArgID, long& outArg ) const;
bool GetArg( long inArgID, UtilStr& outStr ) const;
bool GetArg( long inID, UtilStr& outStr, long inIndex ) const { return GetArg( IndexedID2ID( inID, inIndex ), outStr ); }
long GetArg( long inArgID ) const;
double GetFloat( long inArgID ) const;
const UtilStr* GetStr( long inArgID ) const;
inline bool GetArg( long inArgID, unsigned char& outArg ) const { return GetArg( inArgID, (char&) outArg ); }
inline bool GetArg( long inArgID, unsigned long& outArg ) const { return GetArg( inArgID, (long&) outArg ); }
long GetArraySize( long inID ) const;
long NumArgs() const;
enum {
cArgSeparator = ','
Arg* mHeadArg;
Arg* FetchArg( long inID ) const;
static long IndexedID2ID( long inBaseID, long inIndex );